
All posts tagged goals

I wrote down this list of goals for 2014 in the middle of December (completed one before 2014 even started!). Basically if we can complete these goals, we will credit card debt free, have a new car, be net worth positive, and put money in our retirement. I’m super excited and think we can do this!

Goal #1 – Get our saving back up to $1000.
Due Date – 01/31/2014
Status – DONE! Completed 12/27/2013

Goal #2 – Pay off Capital One Credit Card
Due Date – 03/31/2014
Status – DONE – Completed January 1st

Goal #3 – Pay off Chase Card
Due Date – 05/31/2014
Status – 75%

Goal #4 – Save for our Elio car
Due Date – 08/31/2014
Status – 0%

Goal #5 – Pay off our Prosper Loan
Due Date – 08/31/2014
Status – 47%

Goal #6 – Reach positive net worth
Due Date – 12/31/2014
Status – 46%

Goal #7 – Invest $1,000 in ROTH IRAs
Due Date – 12/31/2014
Status – 0%